Where is Antigua and Barbuda located?

Antigua and Barbuda is located on the continent of North America and has no directly bordering neighbors.

Mexico is 3,340 km away, United States is 3,495 km away and Brazil is 3,532 km away as the crow flies.

The center of the country is used to calculate the distance. For a more precise determination of the distance, please use one (or better yet two) cities for the distance calculation.

How far is it to Antigua and Barbuda?

Calculate Distance to Antigua and Barbuda

Distance Calculator: Calculate distance between two cities in the world (free, with map).
Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda

Distances from Antigua and Barbuda to other Countries

Large cities in Antigua and Barbuda

Current Local Time

Antigua and Barbuda

Source: zeitverschiebung.net » Current Local Time » Antigua and Barbuda

What is the currency of Antigua and Barbuda?

Dollar (XCD)

Phone Dialing Code

Source: spamcalls.net

Country Code

ISO 3166

Source: Country Code


Saint George
Saint John
Saint Mary
Saint Paul
Saint Peter

Distances from Antigua and Barbuda to other Countries