Distance Taiyuan Rijeka

How far is it from Taiyuan to Rijeka?

The calculated distance (air line) between Taiyuan and Rijeka is approximately 4,769 miles respectively 7,674 kilometers.

By car or train, the actual journey to Rijeka is certainly longer, as only the direct route (as the crow flies) between Taiyuan and Rijeka has been calculated here.

Air Line
Taiyuan to Rijeka

Air line (approximately)

4,769 miles

7,674 kilometers
4,141 nautical miles

Taiyuan to Rijeka
Flight Time / Flight Duration Calculator

Example Airplane & Estimated Average Speed Estimated Duration of the Flight
Hot Air Balloon: <strong>Flight Time</strong> / Flight Duration Calculator From Taiyuan To Rijeka

Hot Air Balloon

50 km/h
153 hour(s),
28 minute(s)
<strong>Flight Time</strong> / Flight Duration Calculator Cessna 172 P

Cessna 172 P

200 km/h
38 hour(s),
22 minute(s)
Airbus A320: Estimated Duration of the Flight To Rijeka

Airbus A320

800 km/h
9 hour(s),
35 minute(s)
Example Airplane From Taiyuan: Airbus A380

Airbus A380

945 km/h
8 hour(s),
7 minute(s)
Spaceship: Speed of Light To Rijeka


Speed of Light
0.026 Seconds

Time Difference & Current Local Time

Time Difference

-7 hours

Distance Calculator

Distance Calculator: Calculate distance between two cities in the world (free, with map).